"Lemon Serenity" Salt Bath Soak

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  • Regular price $11.00

A warm bath can be a Luxurious Zen retreat where your can create a quiet space in the midst of your busy lifestyle Queen. Quiet your mind, relax your body, and pamper your skin, while you enjoy a hot bath in my all natural & organic "Lemon Serenity" rejuvenating salt bath soak.

Ingredients: all natural & organic coconut oil, sunflower oil, lemon essential oil, peppermint essential oil, sodium bicarbonate, spritz water, mica powder & epsom salt.

Size: 3 oz 


  • Coconut Oil keeps your skin moisturized, help heal wounds, reduces inflammation, gently cleanses your skin and possess antimicrobial properties that can help treat acne and protect your skin from harmful bacteria.
  • Sunflower Oil is packed full of rich antioxidants, helps to fight premature aging, free radicals, unclogs your pours, evens out your skin tone, perfect for sensitive skin, balances your skin natural oils, provides protection, moisture, and allows your skin to retain water.
  • Epsom Salt can reduce inflammation and swelling, draw out toxins and heavy metals from your body, exfoliates and softens your skin, help with conditions such as psoriasis and provide sore muscle relief.
  • Lemon Oil detoxifies your skin, helps eliminate blemishes due to oily skin, kill germs and bacteria, brightens & rejuvenates dull skin, and provides a fresh smell of lemon clean.
  • Peppermint Oil naturally cleanses your skin, has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, reduces stress, relieves headaches, improves mental function, and provides a cooling effect which soothes skin irritations and inflammation due to acne.

*All Organic




* Add 4 tablespoons to your hot running bath water and soak for a least 20 mins to experience the full benefits*